40 Free Things to Do with Mom Friends

**Snag this List of 40 Things to Do with Mom Friends below**  Have you ever put off getting together with friends because “I need to save money” or “I’m on a budget?” Yeh…me too. Which is really a bummer, because how much time have we wasted and how many blessed moments have we missed out on because of those thoughts?? Keep reading for the ultimate idea list of FREE things to do with your mom friends! Pin it or Download and Print it, so you can refer back!



Closing in on 40 this year, I’m realizing more and more how much time I’ve wasted because of fear. Fear of not having enough money and saying no to opportunities to get together with friends. Fear of judgement and not inviting friends over to my messy old house. Fear of rejection, that maybe I’ll say the wrong thing or they just won’t like me after they really get to know me. Just now, these last few years, have I begun to realize how silly these thoughts are and they truly are “limiting beliefs.”

I personally love going to others’ homes and seeing their paper clutter and kids toys out and a little mess here and there. It makes me feel more normal. LOL I would never judge them over that, but for some reason I assume others would judge me. Silly huh?!


I have been reading  Laugh Your way to a Better Marriage by Mark Gungor this past month and in there he says this-

“For most of human history, multiple generations of a family lived within close proximity to each other. Chores such as as cooking, planting fields, washing clothes, caring for children, and harvesting crops were often shared by the family clan. Women grew up their entire lives with the same women around them. They had a network they could trust and garner support from. Sadly, today those kinds of networks no longer exist for most married women.

A shift in Western culture has resulted in young brides being separated from their mothers, sisters, and friends as their new husbands drag them away to distant lands while seeking their own fame and fortune. The result is that these emotionally-isolated women then try to get all their needs met by their husbands, when no man was ever designed to meet all the emotional needs of a woman.” (p. 76)


Do you agree? I do. As a stay at home mom for 15 years now, I can vouch for this. I’ve found that if I get out and see friends on a regular basis, I’m much better off mentally and emotionally. Mark Gungor explains in his book also, how men are not designed to be talkers, but women are. Ultimately, women and men alike cannot depend on ANY one person for the meeting of their needs. Ultimately God is our provider and He is who we look to for wisdom and guidance. However, God uses other people and their experiences to teach us and give us what we need. For our emotional and mental well-being, us women neeeeeed community and time with other like-minded women. It fills our tanks or buckets and in the end, it makes us better wives, better mothers, and more fulfilled.


Another thought. Did you notice I referred to myself as a “stay at home mom?” I often listen to and read John Rosemond‘s parenting podcasts and articles. (You can also find a lot of his advice on youtube.) He mentions in one that in the 1950’s you would have never heard that. You would have heard “Working wife” or “House wife,” whereas now we all refer to ourselves as “working moms” and “stay at home moms.”  He goes on to say we need to remember that we’re more than just moms. We’re whole people with interests of our own, with needs of our own. Our marriages should rank before our relationships with our children. And we can’t let ourselves be consumed with our children. That’s how so many moms wind up battling depression and unfulfillment. Once again, we need community with other like-minded women.


So with that… 2022 is new year and I’m determined to get over the fear! All of it! Won’t you join me and let go of the fear? Let’s just stop it! Let’s be confident and realize we all have things we need to work on, we all have way too much on our plates to keep up with it all. So have grace for each other, but don’t neglect each other. Let’s get together, build each other up, and stop the excuses! Mamas… Ladies… we need each other. We need community.

Here are some FREE or very inexpensive things we can do with friends:

  1. Afternoon Coffee or Tea at your Home
  2. Bible Study
  3. Meet at a Park and let the kids play
  4. Go for a walk together
  5. Start a book club
  6. Go to a free concert
  7. Facetime and talk while you’re cooking dinner
  8. Picnic Lunch
  9. Take a free introductory self-defense class
  10. Get together and knit, crochet, or sew together.
  11. Meal Prep together for the upcoming week
  12. Start a journaling group, like a book club, but sharing and talking about your journal entries to journal prompts.
  13. Take turns helping each other in their gardens, if you garden.
  14. Go volunteer or serve together
  15. Go to the zoo together with your kids on the Free Day, if your zoo offers a free day!
  16. Pool scrap craft supplies and make a holiday craft together
  17. Go Hiking
  18. Go Swimming
  19. Play Tennis
  20. Play Basketball
  21. Check out Free Classes at the Local Library
  22. Catch a Sunset at a local beach or lake
  23. Sign up and train for a 1k, 5k, or 10k walk/run
  24. Go shopping with each other when one of you is looking for something specific
  25. Take Pictures for each others’ Instagram or Facebook accounts
  26. Browse at a Farmer’s Market
  27. Garage Sales
  28. Go Camping or Glamping
  29. Take turns tackling an organization project at each other’s houses
  30. Spa Night
  31. Look at each other’s old school yearbooks & share stories!
  32. Visit and love on shelter dogs and cats
  33. Have a Potluck dinner
  34. Exercise Together, Check out Pinterest or YouTube for free workouts!
  35. If you have a business, visit a new networking group together
  36. Play Spades, Dominoes, or other card/domino games
  37. Have a watch party of favorite Old or New TV shows
  38. Karaoke Night!
  39. Park Hop with your kiddos
  40. Make Jewelry together. There’s a ton of tutorials on YouTube!


Which ones on this list peak your interest? Did a friend come to mind when you read one? Maybe it’s time to hop on the phone and see when they want to get together! What would you add to the list? Comment below!


Get a Free Printable of these Ideas Below!


Until Next Time,





P.S. This article and blog may contain affiliate links, which just means that when you click on and purchase through one of those links, you’re helping support our family and my ability to stay at home with my children and write. Thank you so much for stopping by! 

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