Amazing Gluten-Free, Dairy Free Drop Biscuits!


I’m not a professional recipe blogger, so forgive the lack of “jump to recipe” button! But when you make something that turns out so good, you just have to share it….You Have to Share It!

I made some gluten-free, dairy-free biscuits a few weeks ago when I had a taste for them and they turned out ok. Well, today I had a taste for something baked and I couldn’t find anything to make that was “sweet” because I was out of Monk Fruit.  So I thought I’d make those biscuits again. Only problem was, I couldn’t find the recipe pin. I guess I didn’t save it. So I searched for it again, but still couldn’t find it. But I found this one and thought I’d give it a try. However, as I started putting everything together, I realized that it included A LOT of baking powder.  Even though I use this aluminum-free baking powder, I still don’t like to use a whole lot of it because of the sodium.  So I went rogue.  You never know how that’s going to go, but… thankfully this time it was amazing!!

And I decided to adjust the measurements a bit, add an egg and a few other modifications. When I got them out of the oven, I cut one in half, smeared some Earth Balance and Jam on it and bit into it. OH MY GOODNESS. So soft and airy on the inside, and crunchy on the outside.  I immediately went around the house making everyone take a taste, because I had to share it with someone.  The boys in the family equally loved them, however my my daughters both agreed they had a bit too much coconut flavor for them.  I’m not a huge fan of coconut, but I have been using coconut oil in my coffee now for several years, so maybe I’m just used to it. But FYI, if you do not like coconut, you may not like these. But I urge you to give them a chance if you’re looking for heavenly gluten/dairy free biscuits!


Without further adieu, here’s the recipe I adapted from the link above.


By the way, this article and blog may contain affiliate links, which just means that when you click on and purchase through one of those links, you’re helping support our family and my ability to stay at home with my children and write. Thank you so much for stopping by! 


Amazing Gluten-Free, Dairy Free Drop Biscuits


1/2 c. Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Flour Mix

1/4 c. Bob’s Red Mill Fine Almond Flour

1 tsp. Xanthan Gum

1 1/2 tsp. Baking Powder, Aluminum-free

3 Tbsp. Softened Coconut Oil

1/2 c. Almond Milk

1 Egg



Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix dry ingredients together in medium sized bowl. Beat egg in a separate bowl, the add to dry mix. Add softened coconut oil and almond milk, and mix well, but do not over-stir. I eye-balled the almond milk a little at a time, so that I could stop adding milk when the mixture got to a good consistency. I highly recommend doing that, but I estimate I used about 1/2 cup. Drop by the spoonful onto a cookie sheet. I used a newer cookie sheet and did not spray it or line it, but if you can decide if you want to do that. Bake for 15-18 minutes. This made us about 10-12 biscuits.  I highly recommend making a double batch, because you might just eat most of the first batch right out of the oven!


And if you’re like me and need new baking sheets, this Rachel Ray 3-pc set has great reviews!


Check out some of my other favorite recipes here-


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