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Make Back to School Memorable

  As this new school year is starting up, sports, homework, projects, and then the holidays will all be here too. Things get busy during the school year, but we can still make our time with our children meaningful with just a few simple habits. Continue reading to find out how to make (and keep) […]

Conversation Starters You’ll Actually Want to Use

In my pursuit of getting better at relationships, I have scoured the internet for really great conversation starter ideas.  Being more of a listener than a talker, I’ve struggled many times trying to think of what to talk about.  And apparently I’m not the only one, because I’ve encountered many people who aren’t able to […]

Help! I’m Socially Awkward!

Ok, I hear some of us introverts out there saying, “You make it sound so easy. Just talk to people. Just do this, do that. But, help! I’m socially awkward! I always say the wrong thing. Or I can’t think of anything to say at all!” Well, you’re not alone! Not only have I struggled […]